I know that what you sent me 5/6 months ago :P
I didn't know what to do, because it's YOUR piece and now you finished I'm happy that I didn't help you with it. You surely did a nice thing! I must say, that I like the beginning the most of all, but that's just a matter of taste.
Good things:
I really like the piano melody (in beginning especially), violin, cymbals, high pitched background synths, drum highpassing, drum fills.
Tips: Buy a (Midi) keyboard and really let yourself going with real played notes: you'll certainly hear difference! Though, I still don't know how the hell you do it now; let it sound this realistic without a keyboard...
I'd delete the last note of this piece xD I like the semi out of tune note and when you "play" the last note, the C, it feels... argh... don't know how to say, just not really right.
Drums: I think they sound too plain, or it's just the fact that I (and you) have used them too often: the "reason rock kits". You could try to pick a electronic kit, but that's totally up to you (off course)
These "tips" are just nitpicking and I think you really did a nice job!
5/5, 10/10,
MWA (Mjattie)